5 Eye Health Tips for Wintertime

Dec 13, 2022

Winter is here, and it’s important to take extra care of your eyes this season. Newport Eye Care, with two locations in Newport, Maine and Waterville, Maine, has some tips for you! These simple steps can go a long way toward keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable during the winter months.

Wear sunglasses 

Sunglasses are not just for the summer! The sun’s UV rays can still do damage during the winter months, even when the sun isn’t out. When it snows, it’s especially important to wear quality sunglasses because the snow is highly reflective of the sun and can cause photokeratitis, which is a painful eye condition caused by unprotected exposure to UV rays. To protect against UV rays, wear sunglasses whenever you go outside. Wearing sunglasses also adds an extra layer of protection against wind and cold air that can irritate your eyes. If you plan to be outdoors for extended periods of time, especially in cold temperatures, it’s also important to wear protective eyewear such as goggles or safety glasses. 

Stay hydrated 

It’s always important to drink plenty of water throughout the day, but this is especially true in the wintertime when low humidity levels combined with cold air can quickly lead to dehydration. Drinking enough water will help keep your eyes hydrated and reduce any discomfort caused by dry eye syndrome. In addition to drinking lots of fluids throughout the day, try using rewetting drops or artificial tears if your eyes feel particularly dry or irritated. 

Use a humidifier 

Low humidity levels indoors can also contribute to dryness and irritation in the eyes. To combat this issue at home, try using a humidifier! Not only will it help keep your skin moisturized but adding moisture to the air may help relieve symptoms related to dry eye syndrome as well as congestion due to colds or allergies caused by indoor allergens like dust mites or pet dander.         

Have good lighting in your home

Good lighting is essential for maintaining healthy vision. It allows our eyes to see clearly and comfortably, which can help prevent eye strain and fatigue. In the winter, when the days are shorter and we spend more time indoors, it’s important to make sure that your home is well-lit to ensure that your eyes have enough light to function properly.

Natural light is the best option, so try to use windows and skylights to bring as much natural light into your home as possible. When using artificial lighting, choose bulbs that mimic natural light, such as LED or compact fluorescent bulbs. Avoid using harsh, bright lights, as these can cause glare and discomfort.

In addition to choosing the right type of lighting, it’s also important to position your lights properly. Place lights at a 45-degree angle to avoid glare and direct the light where you need it most. And make sure to use multiple light sources to provide even lighting throughout your home.

Watch screen time

Staring at screens all day long can tire out our eyes faster than we think! To prevent feeling fatigued after too much screen time, try taking regular breaks throughout the day where you look away from screens for 10 minutes every hour or so—whether it be looking out a window at nature or simply closing your eyes for a few minutes—this will help give your eyes some relief from constant blue light exposure which has been found to affect sleep patterns negatively if overexposed for prolonged periods of time each day leading into nighttime hours (when our bodies should naturally begin winding down).  


At Newport Eye Care, we offer comprehensive eye exams and a wide range of eyecare services to help you maintain healthy vision. If you have any concerns about your eye health, don’t hesitate to contact us at our Newport or Waterville locations. We’re here to help you see clearly and comfortably all winter long!

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