Does Dry Eye Go Away on Its Own?

May 1, 2024

Dealing with dry eye can be frustrating and uncomfortable, especially if it affects your ability to read, drive, or do other tasks. Dry eye happens when your eyes no longer produce enough tears, or the tears they do produce are poor quality. Whether your eyes occasionally feel scratchy or gritty or you have been battling chronic dry eye for years, you may be wondering if it will ever go away on its own. Dry eye be temporary or chronic, depending on the underlying cause.  

Will dry eye get better on its own? 

There are many reasons why your eyes may be dry, including environmental factors like dry air and wind, aging, certain medical conditions, medications, and more. In some cases, addressing the root cause of your dry eye can ease symptoms and let it get better on its own. For example, if too much screen time or a dry indoor environment is causing your dry eye, small changes like taking breaks from screens or using a humidifier can help you find relief.  

However, for many people with chronic dry eye, the condition does not go away on its own and requires ongoing treatment to manage symptoms and prevent complications. Chronic dry eye can lead to more serious issues such as corneal damage or infections if left untreated. If your dry eye symptoms persist or appear to be getting worse, it’s important to seek treatment from an eye care professional like the eye doctors at Newport Eye Care. 

How to relieve dry eye symptoms 

If you’re dealing with dry eye, you may need to try multiple treatments to find relief. These treatments may include a combination of over-the-counter eye drops and lifestyle changes, such as drinking enough water, avoiding dry environments, or trying omega-3 supplements.  

In some cases, you might need more advanced treatments like punctal plugs or TearCare® to help improve tear production and quality. TearCare® is an innovative and non-invasive treatment option that gently warms up blocked tear glands to help them make an essential part of your tears. At Newport Eye Care, our dry eye specialists in Waterville and Newport, Maine can work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you find relief from dry eye symptoms. We offer advanced treatments for dry eye such as TearCare® and special contact lenses for dry eye that can provide lasting relief and improve the health of your eyes. 

In conclusion, while some cases of mild dry eye may improve on their own with simple lifestyle changes, chronic dry eye often requires ongoing treatment to manage symptoms effectively. If you are struggling with persistent dryness or discomfort in your eyes, don’t hesitate to seek help from an experienced eye care professional. Our skilled optometrists at Newport Eye Care specialize in diagnosing and treating a range of eye conditions, including chronic dry eye. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment and start seeing clearly again!  

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