What Are the Drawbacks of Using Artificial Tears for Dry Eyes?

Oct 1, 2024

If you’ve ever experienced dry, irritated eyes, you may have reached for eye drops to find relief. Over-the-counter eye drops, such as artificial tears, can provide almost immediate relief from dryness and irritation. But what happens when dry eyes become a regular issue, and you find yourself reaching for those drops more and more? While artificial tears are great for short-term relief, they’re not always the best long-term solution. In fact, relying on them too much can sometimes lead to more problems down the road. 

At Newport Eye Care, with offices in Newport and Waterville, Maine, we’re dedicated to helping you understand all your options for managing dry eye symptoms. In this blog, we’ll share some of the drawbacks of using artificial tears regularly and why it’s important to explore other treatments that address the root cause of your dry eyes. 

1. They only offer temporary relief 

Artificial tears can moisten your eyes quickly, but they only provide short-term relief. For those with chronic dry eye, this means reapplying drops multiple times throughout the day. While this might help for the moment, it can become inconvenient and frustrating to constantly need to reuse them.  

2. They don’t treat the root cause 

While artificial tears mimic your natural tears, they don’t address the underlying reason your eyes are dry. Whether your dry eyes are caused by meibomian gland dysfunction, inflammation, or something else, artificial tears work like a band-aid, while more advanced treatments address the root cause. The real issue could continue to affect your eye health if left untreated. 

3. Overuse can create dependency 

It’s easy to fall into the habit of using artificial tears too often. But did you know that overusing these drops might make your eyes feel drier in the long run? When your eyes get used to the constant extra moisture, they may produce fewer natural tears on their own, leading to a cycle of needing more drops to feel comfortable. 

4. Preservatives can cause irritation 

Many artificial tears contain preservatives to keep them fresh, especially in multi-use bottles. While preservatives help prevent contamination, they can irritate your eyes if you’re using the drops frequently. For people with sensitive eyes, this can make things worse over time. Preservative-free options are available, but they tend to be more expensive. 

5. They may not work for severe dry eye 

If you have moderate to severe dry eyes, artificial tears might not give you the relief you need. These drops are best for mild cases, but more serious dry eye symptoms often require stronger treatments. Options like prescription medications, in-office procedures, or specialized therapies might be a better fit for people who need more intensive care. 

6. They can hide larger issues 

Artificial tears might make your eyes feel better temporarily, but they could also be masking a more serious underlying condition, like blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) or meibomian gland dysfunction. These conditions require proper treatment to avoid worsening symptoms or further eye problems. It’s important to get a comprehensive eye exam to determine what’s causing your dry eyes. 

Find better solutions for dry eye at Newport Eye Care 

If you’re dealing with frequent dry eyes, it’s worth exploring other treatments that can address the root cause of the problem. At Newport Eye Care, we use advanced diagnostic tools to determine the root cause of your dry eyes and offer dry eye treatment in Newport and Waterville that goes beyond eye drops. We can help you find long-term relief from dry eyes with lifestyle changes, omega-3 supplements, heated masks, or in-office treatments. 

One of the innovative treatments we offer is the TearCare® system, which is specifically designed to provide relief by addressing meibomian gland dysfunction, a common cause of dry eye. TearCare® applies gentle heat to your eyelids, helping to unblock the glands and improve tear quality for more lasting comfort. 

For more advanced cases of dry eye, we may recommend Prokera® treatment. Prokera® is a biological corneal bandage made from amniotic membrane tissue. This special bandage reduces inflammation, promotes healing, and creates a protective environment for your cornea, helping your eyes recover faster and more comfortably. 

If you’re ready to discover a more effective solution for dry eye, contact us at our Newport or Waterville location to schedule an appointment today! 

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